Sri Lankan National ID Parser

Sri Lanka national id NIC to DoB Converter (date of birth finder) 

Are you aware that your national identity card (NIC) contains your date of birth and other details? Each Sri Lankan NIC contains information about the voter’s eligibility, gender (sex), and date of birth. Nine numeric characters and one alphabetic character make up each previous NIC number. This is an additional NIC converter.

Only 12 digits make up the new NIC number. 790029871V is an example of an outdated NIC number. The year of birth is represented by the first two numbers (79), while the month and day of birth are represented by the next three digits (002). Gender is also represented by the three numbers (002). The NIC holder is male if those figures are less than 500. The NIC holder is female if it is greater than 500. Voter eligibility is indicated by the final letter of the alphabet. “Voter” is what it means if it is V. The NIC holder is not able to vote if the value is X.

The new NIC number has a small variation. For instance, 197900209871. Here, the year of birth is represented by the first four digits, while the month, date, and gender are represented by the next three digits (002).

This NIC converter can effortlessly complete the task. Click the “Find” button after entering your national identity card number in the space below. For example, entering 197900209871 or 790029871V will result in 1979 January 2 as the date of birth.

Insert your Sri Lankan National Identity Card Number


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